A HUGE waste. How many people would benefit from this money in Dallas alone? The $63 million already raised could help millions of lives on the border, in east Texas, El Paso... not to forget the rest of America and the WORLD.
Things like this make me sick.
I don't miss American 'Christianity'.
I'm searching for a Biblical basis for this monstrosity, but it isn't there. Maybe because Jesus didn't save us to build megachurches to reach people: He wants us to live like He lived...
The Jesus I know wouldn't want it.
13 years ago
I agree it's not the best use of the money - but remember, no church is perfect, no one is perfect.
Totally understand your convictions. What would be the best way to reach the thousands of affluent, young, lost to hell people in the city area? Any idea what Jesus wants, as far as ministry, to that kind of person? I'm searching to know His will, because we are surrounded with thousands of people of every walk of life. I know unconditional love is a huge part of being effective for Him and I have to get a lot better at that.
since when is it okay to justify a multi-million dollar building project by looking at jerry jones and his stadium?? crazy.
they place the importance on the building to help reach the city. what they fail to see is that what is needed are relationships. meeting people where they are at. i would venture a guess and say that most of the demographic in downtown will never set foot in jeffress' "spiritual oasis".
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